Governance & Accountability Institute is organized as the “Sustainability Headquarters™” for clients in the corporate community and in the investment and financial services sector. Our team provides strategic advice and counsel on a wide range of issues and topics related to sustainability, corporate responsibility, disclosure and reporting, ESG performance, and stakeholder (third party) engagement.
The Institute is a for-profit company organized more than a decade ago by professionals experienced in issue and crisis management, enterprise risk management, corporate communications, corporate governance, and corporate responsibility.
G&A provides global ESG issue monitoring and research; stakeholder identification, prioritizing, monitoring, backgrounding, and engagement; customized ESG, CR and Sustainability-focused research; comprehensive issues management services; advice on corporate responsibility strategies and programs; support investor relations and assistance in corporate responsibility / sustainability reporting, disclosure and communications.
G&A Institute team members are expert in the many dimensions of corporate ESG and Sustainability – and the third party frameworks that help companies provide a comprehensive view of the impact of environmental and energy, social/society issues and corporate governance factors of interest to analysts, investors and a broad range of stakeholders. ("ESG" performance.)
We help companies and organizations navigate their sustainability journeys.