We believe that what benefits workers will also deliver value to the business, whether that’s in the short or longer term. We specialise in offering our clients practical, experience-led advice on improving supplier performance through people in order to meet their social and economic goals.
We pride ourselves in having long-standing relationships built over many years of working together. Our clients might call us for advice on anything from finding a local partner in a sourcing country to rethinking the way they measure their suppliers’ performance or helping to design a program to deliver financial services to workers.
We are based in London but operate programmes in different parts of the world, either directly or through our network of contacts. We’ve been fortunate enough not only to advise our clients on their strategy and programming, but also to implement many programmes ourselves, giving us direct, hands-on experience which informs our ongoing consulting advice.
We provide a range of services tailored to individual client requirements. Please visit our website, www.lakeadvisory.com, for more information or to contact us.