PT.Putraalinson Perkasa herein after called as “PT PAS”, was established since 11 November 2006,
registered under The Law of Indonesia, has its registered office at Jl. Wijaya Timur Raya No. 8 Petogogan –
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12170, Indonesia. PT.Putraalinson Perkasa is sister company of PT PUTRA
The company started its business with PT TELKOM INDONESIA for the implementations of Access Networks
Project such as: Wireless Local Loop and Fiber Optic SDH Projects. As the Telecom Technology is evolving very
rapid, PT PAS then improve its capabilities and expand its business to the development of Mobile Teleco
Currently PT PAS is acknowledge as a professional ITC Services Subcontractor for major company such as: PT
Ericsson Indonesia, Nokia Siemens Networks, Huawei Technology Investment, PT ZTE Indonesia, PT
Protelindo, PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) and PT NEC Indonesia.
Our service includes the Implementation of Installation, Test and Commissioning, Integration of Networks,
Quality Audit, Networks Expansion, Maintenance and Operation.
Our commitment is to be continuously concern on quality, to provide customer with excellent services in
order to meet customer’s expectation and customer satisfaction.
Telecommunications, Guest Table, Household Furniture, Furniture & Home Appliances, Fiber Optic Cables, Cable, Electrical and Electronic Equipment
HQ Location
Jl. Wijaya Timur Raya No. 8,
Petogogan Kebayoran Baru
South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 12170, ID
DesignEngineering Survey and DocumentationSupply Gold Power Rectifier Hengxin Feeder CableRadio Site Installation ServicesInstallationPrecommis ioningCommissioning & ATPNetwork Optimizationand Maintenance Expansion and Performance Support