Created by BTG Chairman Duan Qiang, GOG founder Whitney Duan and resort visionary Adrian Zecha, who founded Amanresorts and co-founded GHM with Hans R. Jenni, the Ahn Luh brand encapsulates luxury resort living in China and beyond.
It is our aim for Ahn Luh properties to be found in key cities in the world. And as this unique urban resort brand matures, we desire to bring it out of China.
Every Ahn Luh Hotel enjoys unique site selection and unparalleled design.
The Ahn Luh brand reflects an excellent combination of Chinese time-honored hospitality and modern hotel services. It embodies a perfect match between most traditional Chinese-styled tourist resorts and urbanized gateway cities. Auh Luh hotel demonstrates a harmonious marrying of tradition and modernization in terms of services, architectural design and interior design.
Every Ahn Luh hotel will be a personalized chef-oeuvre and an extension of the lifestyle.
首旅集团董事长段强,安缦度假村创始人、吉合睦联合创始人 ADRIAN ZECHA,泰鸿集团创始人、凯风公益基金会理事长段伟红怀有共同的愿景,创建了安麓(北京)酒店管理有限公司,推广中国的奢侈品、生活方式酒店品牌 ——安麓。
安麓品牌的个性,是中国人民传统的好客本质与和谐优雅绿色的环境与现代化的完美结合,是中国原生态与城市化的结合, 酒店的服务、 建筑设计、室内装修装饰等方面都将体现传统与现代并存的理念,都像一个独特的手工艺品,是生活方式的延伸。