Based in Moshi, Tanzania, Africa Volunteer Corps (AVC) is a service corps for Africans to do long-term volunteer work in African-initiated development projects.
AVC creates African development leaders by training and placing educated Africans to work for a year at local NGO’s in Africa. Promising future leaders gain the skills and experience necessary to envision a positive future for Africa and the tools to make it a reality. This qualified, passionate workforce in turn increases the impact of local NGO’s. Creating a springboard for future leaders and strengthening ground-up social change efforts, Africa Volunteer Corps positions Africans to control development on their own continent
The 2012 pilot program is in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania.
Founder Caitlin Kelley is a native of Atlanta and a graduate of Northwestern University, where she studied African history. Her passion for African history started her on a path to change the way the West interacts with Africa, to facilitate justice and self-determination wherever possible, and to open doors for people to live their greatest potential.
That path took her to Tanzania where she learned Swahili and worked at a grassroots NGO. While there, she saw the world of local NGO’s from the inside out and met many passionate, educated locals hungry to find lasting ways to make a positive impact in their country. In 2009 she and partner Jafari Msaki founded Africa Volunteer Corps.