INVENTICS AE incorporated in Thessaloniki in 2000.
INVENTICS LTD incorporated in LONDON, UK IN 2011 Inc is incorporated in 2019 in USA
It’s main business is conferences and events.
Inventics main business units are: - scientific conferences and events organisation. Conferences secretariat, organisation, logistics, sponsorship management, travel and accommodation services. Events in venues - classic organisation., com – Live, Hybrid, Digital, Virtual conferences and events platform, streaming services, web conference services, virtual conferences organisation.
Inventics has 20 years of experience in organising and streaming hundreds of conferences and events.
Livemedia is an educational, conferences streaming platform. Livemedia’s customers in Greece and around the world (USA, Europe) are Professional Bodies, Associations and Societies, Blue-chip Corporations and Educational Institutions.
Livemedia contracts with conferences or conference organisers and provides paid service by sponsorships or by selling web registrations to the actual conference through web video streaming.
Livemedia is a global platform specialising in livestreaming of live, djgjtal, hybrid, virtual conferences and events based on high tech online proprietary platforms and applications.
Livemedia relies on its proprietary platform, software, systems and methods and its many years of experience in Greece, Europe and US.
Livemedia has a very dynamic and professional team and a web streamers partners network, trained on the livemedia systems and methods.
Livemedia is a tech “love” brand recognised and associated with kudos and gravitas for the thinking people who strive to change and influence the world around them and beyond for the better. Moreover the world around us is changing and demands new forms of communication and dynamic media that break the norms and stereotypes.