Workforce Essentials is a private, non-profit corporation specializing in unique business solutions for employers and innovative training opportunities for individuals. Our offices are located throughout middle and west Tennessee…and beyond (considering the limitless world of cyber-business)!
We have been in the workforce & economic development industry for over twenty five years and offer a wide variety of resources to help businesses and individuals meet their goals. We also expand upon our tagline 'solutions that work' to include non-traditional services. Check us out! We know what works & deliver results in every sport we play.
We are also responsible for administering job placement services to Families First customers in 36 west/middle Tennessee Counties.
Workforce Essentials is the premier high school equivalency preparation program in middle Tennessee. We conveniently offer morning, evening, and even some weekend classes in numerous counties in Tennessee completely free of charge to our students. We also have online classes available for many of our students!
Non-profit Organizations, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Health Care and Social Assistance
HQ Location
523 Madison Street, Suite A (Administrative Headquarters)
Clarksville, Tennessee 37040, US
employee assessmentidentification servicesdrug testing servicesmotor carriersworkplace lawscareer planning assistancesurgical technologywork and servicespositive druginstructional material