Dr. Wahaab's Acupuncture Clinic
Prof. Hr. Salaaudeen Wahaab belongs to a hereditary medical family.
His father Dr. K.M.A. Wahaab was an eminent medical practitioner since 1950 and he was a Tamil scholar. The Government of Tamil Nadu honored his service by presenting “Poet Paavendhar Bharathidasan Award” in 1983.
Dr.K.M.A. Wahaab’s
period the services are being successfully continued by his son
Prof. Healer. Salaaudeen Wahaab
with his Mother
Dr. Mrs. A. Ameena Wahaab
, wife Healer.
Mrs. S. Shameena Salaaudeen,
Healer. S. Prem Wahaab
and his daughter
Healer. S. Nargis Wahaab.