GLOBALscandinavia Group is one of the leading translation agencies in Scandinavia.
We work for clients all over the world and have partners in many countries.
Our name is GLOBALscandinavia, because we are global Scandinavians. We reach out to the rest of the world globally from our home markets in Scandinavia and Finland.
Some of our clients have been with us ever since we were founded in 1983 - for instance Mercedes Benz in many countries.
Our results have been excellent and powerful. We also translate what is written between the lines. We have dedicated translators and we provide you with the best translations. Try us. We really work harder.
Please call us or send an e-mail with your project and essential information to:
Phone (+ 45) 33 11 33 33
or visit our website:
We look forward to getting in touch with you.