The Australian Crisis Simulation Summit will thoroughly prepare the next generation of Australia’s National Security leaders for the inevitable challenges and crises Australia will face in the 21st Century. The Summit will centre around three intense, realistic and full-scale national security crisis simulations. 70 university students from across the nation will have the opportunity to develop practical knowledge and skills, network with potential employers and make friends with people who have similar passions and career ambitions.
The nation’s capital provides unique access to leading figures in Australia’s national security space. We have already engaged a group of esteemed individuals from all levels of Politics, the Defence Force, Government Departments, the Diplomatic Core and Academia to assist in the facilitation of the Summit, provide real-world insights and mentor attending delegates.
This student-led initiative has been founded by a dedicated team of illustrious ANU students passionate about Australia’s future. It has been generously supported by the ANU and its academics.
Students from around Australia with an interest in national security, studying international relations, strategic studies, politics, economics, law, languages, media, science or finance are strongly encouraged to apply.
This will be a Summit of national significance.
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