Partner Corporate Lawyer, Civil Law Notary at Civilence
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About Hans Avenarius
Hans Avenarius is Partner Corporate Lawyer, Civil Law Notary at Civilence in John M. Keynesplein 11
Amsterdam, 1066 EP, NL. Previously worked at AKD as Lawyer (Corporate). Civilence is a Law Practice company in John M. Keynesplein 11
Amsterdam, 1066 EP, NL with 10 employees
Hans Avenarius Social
Hans Avenarius Work
Hans Avenarius is the Partner Corporate Lawyer, Civil Law Notary @Civilence, with experience in Lawyer (Corporate) @AKD
Civilence has a vast experience and expertise in setting up the design, maintenance, and modification of (cross border) corporate structures. The interests of the direct stakeholders, such as shareholders, management and employees will be taken into account. In particular, the tax planning, financial and/or group strategy, international aspects and other specific objectives will play their role. Through the personal and proactive involvement of our legal team of specialized and experienced civil law notaries and civil law notary candidates, Civilence can provide high-end legal services.
Working on corporate structures means cooperating with other disciplines. Civilence operates out of a totally independent position with other professionals, including attorneys, tax advisors, accountants and trust offices. Passion and fun are key to us.