AGS Architects is a Holding Company with two operating companies: AGS Architects International (AAI) and AGS Architects Amsterdam (AAA). The company is led by Jo Jongen and Paul Timmermans; both Architects – Managing Directors. The Amsterdam office is managed by Hannek Höweler.
For projects in India and the Far East we cooperate with a number of companies: - Bluehaus Ltd and MAAS Group International - led by Abhijit Mandrekar.
AAI and AAA are derived from the former AGS Holding with as best-known operating company AGS Architekten & Planners. That Office was established in 1960 by the Hungarian architect Peter Sigmond and has since grown into one of the largest and leading architectural firms in Netherlands. On the top there were Offices in Heerlen, Amsterdam, Arnhem and Warsaw (PL).
We are strong in the reasoned and insightful process of complex tasks, in which architectural and organizational considerations and all other aspects are discussed. We operate from a proactive and solution-oriented attitude towards our clients, for which we offer customization to reach our mutual goal.
We help our clients with our creativity and expertise to high-quality designs, in which all future users feel comfortable. This process will be performed in a pleasant, positive critical cooperation, in which with all parties concerned are involved.