Helping you Change to Perform!
The reality in business today, is that Change is coming. For a lot of industries, this Change has already presented itself in various forms such as the buying habits of consumers, technological advances, communication processes and most importantly in your human resources!
For all businesses, it is not a mater of if, but only a matter of when they will be forced to deal with Change.
Whether proactively or re actively, addressing these issues with a strategic plan will greatly influence your chances of success.
Millennials are replacing the Baby Boomers at a staggering rate, and by 2025 they will make up 75% of the workforce.
How will your organization adapt it's Leadership style to deal with these Changes?
The SWA Change Methodology allows us to work with our clients to adapt an approach to fit their reality. By combining surveys, data-analytics and interviews, we dig deep to understand the root causes of the challenges your organization is facing in regards to Change. The creation of custom curriculum are designed to optimize time invested away from daily operations to deliver tangible and measurable results through a combination of training, conferences, homework and supervised projects. This means your team spends more time driving your business while developing new competencies in parallel.
We believe Change is possible in all organizations, and that human's nature to be resistant to Change can be overcome by aligning all members of an organization towards a common goal. In the Organizational Development field this is often referred to as Employee Brand Engagement, we just call it the SWA Change Methodology!