Adventures with Amara is a company of fourteen entrepreneurial students who have created a collection of three original children’s books, with added digital elements, intended to be entertaining but also dealing with complex issues, which are prevalent in society today. All our stories also have added digital elements to further enhance their learning after having read the books, including interactive games and audio books, as well as useful links to other websites about these issues for parents.
We have focused on environmental (No place like home), discrimination (I can’t but we can), mental well-being (Don’t bottle it up) and healthy lifestyle (Nothing to fear here), presenting these in a simple and easy to understand way in order to engage children. Our main aim is to implement change through conversation and education. In our initial market research stage, we found out that young children build a schema of people, events, social situations.
By being exposed to important topics in a fun manner, children can grow open minded and have the ability to know right from wrong. We think that books are an invaluable method of sharing messages from core morals to the little things in life.