Start something. The Iowa State John Pappajohn Center is here for students, businesses + entrepreneurs to help expand your skills and pursue your ideas.
The ISU Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship is a gateway that works in two directions. In one direction, ISU faculty, researchers, and students become connected to the entrepreneurial world. In the other, Iowa's business and entrepreneurial community gain access to an array of resources and information within Iowa State University.
Located in Iowa State University's Research Park, the Pappajohn Center is the catalyst that brings together the people and ideas necessary for launching or growing successful enterprises. Whether the undertaking is a student initiated enterprise, a new small business, a high technology start-up, or a corporate spin-off, the Pappajohn Center provides assistance and resources toward individual elements of the development process or to the entire launch of the new venture.
The Center has two primary objectives: to create a culture that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation, and to provide the tools necessary for building and improving Iowa's businesses.