AEGEE-Budapest is the Hungarian local organization of AEGEE (Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe / European Students’ Forum) , which is a youth organisation that promotes co-operation, communication and integration amongst young people in Europe. As a non-governmental, politically independent and non-profit organisation AEGEE is open to students and young professionals from all faculties and disciplines – today it counts 15.000 members, active in more than 240 university cities in 43 European countries, making it the biggest interdisciplinary student association in Europe.
The association’s main aims are:
Promoting a unified Europe without prejudices,
Striving for creating an open and tolerant society of today and tomorrow,
Fostering democracy, human rights, tolerance, cross-boarder cooperation, mobility and European dimension in education.
All the numerous events and projects run by the organisation are to be focused on our 4 Fields of Action (Cultural Exchange, Active Citizenship, Higher Education, Peace & Stability) and 3 Focus Areas (European Citizenship, Global Challenges and Intercultural Dialogue).
Among AEGEE’s most well-known achievements there are the establishment of the Erasmus Programme, in which AEGEE has been directly involved, and its longest running project, the Summer University, gathering each summer thousands of volunteers who contribute to open a new perspective to the participants over the multicultural dimension of the European continent, providing high-content, high-quality and low-cost summer courses (ranging from language courses to seminars about political, cultural, environmental issues).