McGill’s path-breaking legal education is one of the best in the world. We believe that creative thinkers, educated in law and sensitive to difference, have much to contribute to understanding our globalized world and tackling its pressing problems. At McGill, some of the world’s best law professors and exceptional students from around the planet teach, learn, and research in a way that brings together multiple legal traditions.
McGill-trained lawyers exit our walls with a distinct edge. They are ready to manage vast amounts of information, to deal with complexity, and to solve legal problems in areas of rapid change with no single right answer – or with many. A McGill legal education will prepare you for a plural world where boundaries are porous and shifting – and people, goods, and ideas move further and faster than ever.
Our double-degree program, taught in English and French, integrates common law, civil law, and, increasingly, Indigenous legal traditions. Within our graduate program’s vibrant community, our master’s and doctoral students receive dedicated attention from a diverse group of leading researchers. Our doctoral students receive a preparation for law teaching that has no equal.
Notre champ de vision dépasse la pratique traditionnelle du droit. Nos diplômé.e.s accèdent à des carrières enrichissantes au sein des grands cabinets canadiens et internationaux, dans les plus hautes sphères de la fonction publique, dans l’action communautaire et à la tête d’ONG internationales.
Notre programme unique et nos activités de recherche innovatrices nous ont mérité notre réputation extraordinaire. Notre corps professoral tient profondément à cœur le succès de nos étudiant.e.s. Nous remettons constamment en question l’orthodoxie, et tirons fierté de constater le changement que nos étudiants, professeurs et diplômés provoquent dans nos sociétés. La plus vieille faculté de droit du Canada ne se repose pas sur ses lauriers.
Won’t you join us?
Dean Robert Leckey
Bilingual legal education - our graduates work all over Cs well as in the USA and all over the world!BCL/LLB degree (undergraduate law degree)LLM degree (master's)DCL degree (doctor of civil law)