The Law and Politics Society is a student organization aimed at encouraging active participation of students in the exchange of ideas and at creating a greater awareness of international and national political issues. Its purpose will be to bring together all the students with interests in politics and law in order to help focus their approach and develop their professional interests. Every prestigious university needs a forum in which students can exchange ideas and debate about issues affecting the world. This society will enable students to realize the importance of inquiry and questioning of how political systems work and will encourage participation in the political process. Finally, the society hopes to generate an atmosphere of political consciousness which promulgates a deep sense of civic responsibility. In today’s world where history is being made every day with interesting events happening with direct relevance to Pakistan, the main obstacle lies in the apathy of the citizens and their indifference and inertia to voice their opinion and call for change. This society will enable students to realize the importance of inquiry and questioning the status quo and to become productive citizens of the county by actively participating in its political arena.