Vanderbilt Divinity School is a social justice-oriented school of theology embedded in a R1 university. VDS offers 4 professional degree programs:
Master of Divinity (M.Div)
Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S)
Doctor of Ministry in Integrative Chaplaincy- with a focus on Mental Health (D.Min)
Master of Theology (Th.M)
VDS also offers 5 duel degrees with Medicine, Law, Business, Nursing and Education.
VDS Masters students can have concentrations in these areas: Spirituality and Social Activism, Religion, Gender and Sexuality, Black Religion and Culture Studies, Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies, Prison and Carceral Studies, Chaplaincy, Religion in the Arts and Contemporary Culture, Religion and Economic Justice, Global Christianities and Interreligious Encounter, and Pastoral and Prophetic Congregational Leadership.