Haibo Xu
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——中国最具价值的专业多媒体技术服务供应商 成都索贝数码科技股份有限公司,成立于1997年,由1988年成立的成都科大时达电子研究所(CKD)和1993年成立的深圳索贝科技有限公司合并重组而成。公司注册资本8000万元,是国内广播电视行业规模最大的软件开发及系统集成的领军企业,是国内首屈一指的、能够提供总体解决方案专业设计和咨询的服务商。   广电业界中,到处有索贝数码深耕细作的身影和纵横驰骋的卓著声誉。索贝数码致力于广播电视多媒体技术的研究和开发,产品涵盖了专业电视节目制作领域的采、编、播、存、管等全部核心业务环节。作为广电行业的专家,索贝数码高速成长,高速发展,拥有中国广电行业最大的市场份额。   新媒体形式的不断涌现预示着“媒聚变”时代的来临,索贝数码以敏锐的眼光捕捉到这一新的趋势,在行业内率先扛起新媒体拓展大旗。在三网融合的大背景下,公司在新媒体领域落地项目之多,覆盖范围之广,在众多同行企业中遥遥领先。   安防领域的成功进军,得益于索贝数码在视音频网络领域雄厚的技术积累。公司潜心研发的安防专业系统产品及整体化解决方案,已经广泛应用于公共安全、金融、交通、能源、城市管理、行政监管、厂矿企业、医院学校、楼宇园区、电信通讯等众多国内安全监控领域。   稳健、高速的发展是对索贝数码十多年来成长历程的高度概括。截止到2011年底,公司净资产超过3.6亿元,2001-2011年这10年间,公司销售收入的年平均增长率为40%,净利润年平均增长率为25%。索贝人秉承创业伊始的进取精神,细心耕耘,不断开拓,使公司在产品开发、技术创新、技术服务、高新技术应用等诸多方面位于行业领先地位,获得了高速、稳健的发展。目前,索贝数码的产品、方案和服务已经被各级电视台和各类专业位广泛采用,用户总数已超过5000家,获得了广大用户的高度信赖和认可。 Sobey founded since 1997 in China and then team-up with Sony in overseas market after 6 years. With 17 years development, Sobey becomes the biggest system integrator and solution provider in Professional Broadcast & Multi-media field in China. It has more than 7000 projects and application systems all over the world, hundreds professionals and organizations these cover the industries of News, Broadcast, Variety-show and Education, perform daily work with our products. The headquarters of Sobey is in Chengdu, and it also has a research center in Beijing. There are more than 1, 000 employee in China and Worldwide, provide system consultant and long term service for customers. Meanwhile, the Central Gateway(service center) in US, HK and Taiwan are under construction. Sobey as a well experienced solution and service provider, is helping customers solve their most critical challenges today, while preparing for the opportunities of tomorrow.
Year Founded
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Software Development, Software, image processing, Information technology (IT) and Internet, IT, Internet, R&D, Software, graphic design and image processing, Videotape editing control equipment, Electronic equipment. Telecommunications equipment, Electrical, Electronics & Optical, Video mixing and special effects equipment, Outside broadcasting (OB) and mobile units
HQ Location
成都市高新区新元大道南二路2号 Chengdu, 61041, CN
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