We are a predictive Human Resources Software.
We help our clients achieve the perfect fit between Strategy, Structure, and People.
We integrate and analyze your organization's data in real-time to predict trends and suggest concrete actions. With an accuracy of over 95%!
Codify supports business objectives, empowers organizational management, and improves the productivity of the companies that use it.
Invest in Codify and give your HR team a tool that allows them to maximize their potential.
Want to know more? Request a free demo on our website today and discover how we can empower your organization! 🧠🚀
Human Resources Services, Software Development
HQ Location
Santiago de Chile
Santiago, Región Metropolitana, CL
Recursos HumanosHRGestión Organizacional InteligenteGestión del TalentoCompensacionesAlineamiento EstratégicoStrategic Workforce PlanningData AnalyticsInformación Predictiva y PrescriptivDiseño Organizacional