Gregg Halemba
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Company Details
In 1937, a group of judges sought to improving the effectiveness of the nation's juvenile courts and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) was born. Pursuing our mission of improving the courts and systems practice for our nation's children and families, as well as raising awareness of child welfare and domestic violence issues continues to this day. The NCJFCJ provides cutting-edge training, wide-ranging technical assistance, and research to help the nation's courts, judges and staff in their important work. Each year, the NCJFCJ provides education, technical assistance, and publications to an estimated 30,000 judges, court administrators, social and mental health workers, police, probation officers, and others working in the juvenile and family courts at its headquarters in Reno and throughout the country. In conjunction with the University of Nevada, Reno and the National Judicial College, the NCJFCJ participates in unique advanced degree programs for judges and other court professionals.
Year Founded
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Non-profit Organizations
HQ Location
300 East Second Street Suite 1500 Reno, Nevada 89501, US
juvenile and family justicechild abuse and neglectoption and foster carejuvenile delinquencyfamily violencevictims of juvenile offenderslcohol and drug abusetermination of parental rightscustody and visitatiominority issues
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