The Institute of Economic Development (IED) is the UK’s leading independent professional body representing economic development and regeneration practitioners working for local and regional communities.
Representing You
Established 40 years ago, the IED’s key objective is to represent the interests of its members and ensure their views are widely expressed and noted. The IED is committed to demonstrating the value of economic development work for local and regional communities; the pursuit of best practice in economic development and the attainment of the highest standards of professional conduct and competence.
Connecting You
We manage a valuable network of professionals engaged in economic development and its associated professions from both the private and public sectors enabling you to share best practice, enhance your knowledge and accelerate your professional development both at a local and national level.
Supporting You
We provide and promote a range of Continuous Professional Development opportunities at national and regional levels. Our introduction of the Excellence in Economic Development and the associated Self-Assessment Toolkit allows organisations in both the public and private sector to develop the competence of their people, projects and processes, facilitate the exchange of best practice and enable benchmarking over time.