Safe brave spaces are not a thing or a destination, but a state of being and relating. It isn’t something that you achieve, but something that you continually create. When we experience safe brave spaces, we release our greatest potential.
When we experience safe, we understand, accept, trust & value ourselves. We recognize that we are enough, both unique and critical contributors to the world and within the relationships we have with others. From this individual safe place, we become abundance minded and innately strive to enable this for others.
When we experience brave, we discover & activate our courage towards doing, actioning & releasing the unencumbered freedom to stand for what we believe in while enabling the same in others.
Safe and brave are interdependent & complimentary to each other, as I work on one, the other strengthens. As I strengthen safe & brave in myself, I naturally enable it with others.
At Safe Brave Spaces we are committed to supporting individuals, teams and communities to begin the journey towards unlocking and releasing potential through safe brave spaces. We are creators and curators of insights, tools, frameworks and communities to support the journey.