TheU is St.FX’s Students’ Union. We work diligently for the students of StFX working to represent their interests, needs, and priorities to the School and larger community. We are a dedicated student-led organization representing students’ voices!
From our campus bar, The Inn, to our Student advocates, TheU operates a variety of services designed to support and aid students on campus including:
The Inn | Our campus bar, a spot for students to come together and celebrate all the big moments in their journey at StFX.
Convenience For U | Our convenience store on the second floor of the Bloomfield Centre, offering munchies & more to students on the run!
DriveU | Our safe ride home service that offers students at the Bloomfield Centre late, a drive anywhere in town.
Kevin’s Corner Food Resource Centre | Our student food resource centre, offering snacks and staples for current students.
Student Advocates | A dedicated team of students here to help when you need a representative to the university
Tutoring | Thanks to our partnership with Nimbus we can now offer booking of tutors via app & remote tutoring sessions!
Rees | Our partnership with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) provides students with a portal for online reporting of sexual violence on campus.
The Peer Support Program | Come visit them on the 4th floor of Bloomfield to talk things out, or learn about local & on-campus mental health or sexual violence services!
Health & Dental Plan | An optional service students can pay into for health & dental insurance while they are attending school.
Advocacy | Our Student Delegates meet with others from across Canada to speak with government in an effort to influence political decision-makers to better represent students voices in politics!
TheU | StFX Students Union
For Students. By Students.