Statitec was created in 1996 in order to overcome the need to develop complex statistical methodologies in both public and private sectors.
In 22 years, Statitec has developed an expertise and is now leader in France in biometrics and statistical methodology dedicated to clinical research.
The goal of Statitec is to meet the growing needs of clinical trial sponsors and health authorities for reliable statistical testing with indisputable results
In 2017, Statitec joined the Multihealth Group to continue its international development.
Statitec benefits from the support of Multihealth Group companies:
- CLINACT brings expertise in the management of national and international clinical studies
- Clinfile provides eTools : e-CRS, ICC, CTMS
- TempoPHARMA recruits senior employees
- FORMATIS makes available its training tools : e-learning, seminars…
Data AnalysisFinancial Management Consultants And ServicesEconomic StudiesImmunologyOncologyIndustrial Safety And Accident Prevention ConsultantsInformation Systems - Advice