Located in Midvale & West Jordan with MOBILE sites all over Salt Lake Valley, we open to new patients and nearly all insurances!
Visit UPFH.ORG/DISCOUNT to see how to quality discounts based on income & family size.
The health of your teeth and gums directly impacts your overall health. Together we can identify your needs and personalize a cost-saving treatment plan for a healthier smile. Call (801) 417-0131 & press 3 to make an appointment today!
MEDICAL (Visit UPFH.ORG/LOCATION to see when our MOBILE Medical clinic is in your area!)
In a patient centered medical home you and your medical team work together to design a health plan that works for you. We want to be your family’s health-home for affordable, comprehensive, quality primary healthcare services for families living in Midvale, West Jordan, and surrounding areas. Call (801) 417-0131 to make an appointment today!
Counseling and other care can help with moods, behaviors, and physical reactions. Changing the way you think, feel, and behave can have a positive effect on your life. NEW! UPFH will be holding a 6-week psychotherapy group with our focus on anxiety and depression. Call (801) 417-0131 to make an appointment today!
VISION (Visit upfh.org/locations to see when our MOBILE Vision clinic is in your area)
Get glasses that fit your budget! Call (801) 417-0131 to make an appointment today!
Our pharmacy team is dedicated to improving health and wellness by bringing our patients the best experience at an affordable price. Our pharmacy provides easy access and high-quality healthcare to our whole community. Call (801) 893-0033
Want to lower your cravings for alcohol and other drugs? Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) uses medications in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies to treat use disorders. MAT is proven, effective treatment offered at a price you can afford.