Mizzentop Day School provides a stimulating and innovative educational program dedicated to building a supportive community through living values and instilling a love of learning in our students.
Mizzentop Day School offers an interdisciplinary approach to education that instills the values, skills, and knowledge children need to pursue their interests, to take joy in lifetime learning, and to lead successful and meaningful lives. Students think, learn, and apply themselves across all disciplines, freeing the mind to its fullest potential.
Students are educated in the range of human experience and achievement through our integrated curriculum, which provides broad knowledge of the wider world (science, culture, society) and develops a sense of social responsibility. Students have the flexibility and freedom to expand on individual interests, explore new curiosities, and take academic risks. Small class sizes facilitate close interaction between faculty and students in classrooms that foster intellectual curiosity, critical and analytic thinking, artistic expression, acceptance of others, and the ability to communicate orally and in writing.