Company type: Private limited with Share Capital
Company number: 03953962
Nature of business (SIC): 93120 - Activities of sport clubs
Members of the Vanarama National League South
Members of the Greater London Women's Football League
Members of the Middlesex County Football Association
Providing football to hundreds of players from Age 6 upwards and one of the best supported clubs in the National League.
Proud of its history and numerous honours and achievements, Wealdstone FC has many promotional, advertising and sponsorship opportunities available for local and National business as it looks to further raise the profile of the club and it's partners through continued success on the field of play.
Further details available here: https://www.wealdstone-fc.com/sponsorship
Enquiries to Nick Symmons - Executive Director (Ops) - Mob: 07771 576414 - Email: nick.symmons@btinternet.com