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About Gordon Bauer
Gordon Bauer is Project Manager/Estimator at DG Crays Construction in Westfield, Indiana, United States. Previously worked at Danco Roofing Services, Inc. as Business Development Manager. DG Crays Construction is a Construction company in 1437 E Southeastern Ave
Indianapolis, Indiana 46201, US with 5 employees
DG Crays will furnish and install exterior architectural panel systems, exterior siding, and steep sloped roofing. Primary products include ACM and MCM panels, single skin panels, girt systems and insulation, woodgrain siding, fiber cement siding, shingles & shakes, and standing seam roofs. Other products that can be included on project by project basis.
1437 E Southeastern Ave
Indianapolis, Indiana 46201, US
Installation of exterior architectural panel systemsInstallation of exterior sidingInstallation of steep sloped roofingFurnishing and installing ACM and MCM panelsFurnishing and installing single skin panelsFurnishing and installing girt systems and insulationFurnishing and installing woodgrain sidingFurnishing and installing fiber cement sidingFurnishing and installing shingles & shakesFurnishing and installing standing seam roofs
Exterior architectural panel systemsExterior sidingSteep sloped roofingACM and MCM panelsSingle skin panelsGirt systems and insulationWoodgrain sidingFiber cement sidingShingles & shakesStanding seam roofs