- We are developing a cryptocurrency platform for low-latency cryptocurrency exchange, catered towards the global market.
- Currently in the prototype phase and are working towards finalizing the user experience. The platform is expected to be completed and launched in 2-3 months post obtaining funds.
- Planned more financial services like prepaid cards and virtual point of sales for future development.
- Revenue model: Users would be charged a commission fee of 0.05% per trade. Expected to reach break-even point during the second year of operations.
- Marketing plan: Aim to promote our platform on social media platforms to attract initial users.
- Founders have 8+ years of experience in the industry.
- Company is registered in London and the promoter is based in Spain. The company was registered in London as the co-founder resides there and he is a specialist in standards, regulations & compliance. We have all the necessary approvals to begin operations.
- Business does not own any physical assets and we don't require an office at the moment since everything can be handled remotely.