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About Gloria Qiu
Gloria Qiu is Business Director at Malvern College Chengdu in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Previously worked at Malvern College Chengdu as Associated Business Director And Board Secretary. Malvern College Chengdu is a Education Administration Programs company in 成都, 四川, CN with 25 employees
Established in China in September 2015, Malvern College Chengdu is the second overseas branch of the Century-old Prestigious School Malvern College UK. In September 2020, Malvern College Chengdu opened its new campus in Xinjin and offers its education to kindergarten, primary and secondary students. The school is located close to Mumashan area, next to a high-speed rail station and a metro station. The campus is surrounded by scenic hills and rivers, it is also a prime location for an academic institution of high global calibre. With a planned area of 10 Hectares (150 Mu) and a total building area of 90,000 sqm.
成都墨尔文成立于2015年9月,是百年名校英国墨尔文学院授权,在中国的第二家海外学校。成都墨尔文新校园于2020年9月正式亮相成都城南,学校为幼儿园,小学和中学学生提供优质教育。新校园位于新津,靠近牧马山社区,依山傍水,毗邻高铁站和地铁站,交通便利,是高质学府办学的最佳地点。新校园占地约 150 亩,总建筑面积约 9 万平米。