The VCI represents the politico-economic interests of around 1,700 German chemical companies and German subsidiaries of foreign businesses vis-à-vis politics, public authorities, other sectors of the economy, science and the media. In 2019 the German chemical industry realised sales of over 198 billion euros and employed around 464,000 staff. As a core industry, the chemical industry is among the economically most successful industries in Germany. Their products and innovations contribute significantly to the quality of life and to the sustainable development of society. Reason enough for the VCI to engage in a dialogue for internationally competitive framework conditions for chemical companies in Germany. This makes the VCI a point of contact for all economic policy concerns of the industry and the voice of chemistry. The focus of the association's work is on questions and solutions that serve the innovative strength and the strengthening of the chemical and industrial location of Germany. In doing so, we are aware of our responsibility for an economically, ecologically and socially balanced development. This is represented by Chemie³, the sustainability initiative of the German chemical industry, which the VCI founded in 2013 together with the Federal Employers' Association for Chemistry (BAVC) and the Industrial Union for the Mining, Chemical and Energy Industries (IG BCE).
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