Toyoda Gosei South India is a leading player in the automotive components industry. Established in 1998, we are a joint venture between Toyoda Gosei Japan, Uno Minda and Toyota Tsusho in India. We develop, manufacture, and market high-quality systems such as interior and exterior components, safety systems, functional components and sealing systems for major automotive manufacturers worldwide. Our innovative solutions enhance vehicle safety, comfort, and environmental sustainability.
Our dedicated team of employees in India is driven by our mission of excellence and quality. We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation, ensuring our products meet the highest standards in the industry. Our state-of-the-art facilities enable us to stay at the forefront of automotive technology.
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Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing, Brakes & Brake Parts, Automobile, Propeller Shaft, Steering & Transmission Parts, Plastic Injections, Injection Moulding, Plastics & Products, Mould and pattern making services for the rubber and plastic industry, Industrial subcontractors