Asilo in Europa - APS (AiE) was founded in 2013 and is based in Bologna (Italy). Its primary mission is the promotion of the right of asylum and international protection through activities such as training, information and analysis. AiE contributes to the dissemination of knowledge about the legal and policy frameworks of asylum, both at the national and European level. It also aims to develop a network of practitioners working in the field across different EU Member States. In Italy, it strives to build a positive culture surrounding the rights of refugees and asylum seekers as well as to promote knowledge of asylum related developments in the EU and in other Member States. AiE’s members are mainly professionals working in the field of asylum in Italy and other EU Member States.
AiE carries out three types of activities: country of origin information (COI); research on case-law and legislation; training and events.
AiE is the only organisation that publishes freely accessible COI in Italian to support the work of Italian practitioners and lawyers. It provides free and concise analyses of EU and national asylum law and policy developments as well as of relevant European Courts case-law, and it organises various initiatives targeting professionals as well as the general public. More specifically, it organises legal and practical training for social workers who work in Italian reception centres; public conferences on national and European developments for national stakeholders, such as lawyers, social workers and local administrators, and workshops for asylum practitioners and social workers.
Through these activities, AiE engages with relevant national stakeholders, with a view to strengthen professional knowledge on asylum law, share good practices, challenge bad practices and promote the design and implementation of rights-oriented and effective asylum policies. In this way, it promotes the protection and inclusion of asylum seekers and refugees.