Cognadev was founded to address an expressed need in the market for a fair and valid way in which to assess the competencies and cognitive potential of individuals across cultures as well as to match people and job profiles in the work environment for the purposes of gap analysis and people development.
Through unique, interactive and computerised assessment techniques and development programmes, Cognadev can, within the context of the corporate environment /organisation:
• Provide the tools to assist businesses and organizations in their recruitment, selection, placement, job profiling, coaching, training, team building, management/leadership development and organisational development
• Offer online assessment, scoring, and report generation in addition to traditional paper-and-pencil options
• Supply workplace-related reports and information for individuals, co-workers, and teams
• Offer training programs to consultants who want to use the Cognadev products in companies
• Ensure assessment products and services that are abreast of industry changes, by maintaining ongoing research primarily related to Cognition, Learning Potential, Motivation, Leadership and Value Orientation
Cognadev thus provides well-researched, high quality assessment products, cutting edge information, and support services that ensure optimal outputs for both independent and corporate, local and global, assessment and development consultants.