IMPULS is the largest network of sports and health clubs in Lithuania, offering visitors a wide range of sports and health services.
At IMPULS clubs we offer you group exercise, functional & personal training, swimming academy for children, modern gyms, swimming pools, saunas and professional staff to help you in achieving the results you want!
We are an active member of International Health, Racquet and Sports Club Association (IHRSA) and one of the founders of Lithuanian Fitness Clubs Association. Impuls group provides fitness training sertified by EREPS under Active Training brand.
The BALTCAP private equity fund owns the IMPULS club chain.
Visit IMPULS clubs:
Kareiviu str. 14
L. Asanaviciutes str. 15
Savanoriu av. 28
Ozo str. 41
Fabijoniskiu str. 97a
Vienuolio str. 4
Liepu str. 53a
Vairo str. 2
Parko str. 14