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About Giancarlo Ronchi
Giancarlo Ronchi is R And D Director at Blurosso in venice, veneto, italy. Previously worked at Blurosso as R And D Director. Blurosso is a Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing company in Via Maestra 242
Cordenons, PN 33084, IT with 1 employees
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Giancarlo Ronchi Work
Giancarlo Ronchi is the R And D Director @Blurosso, with experience in Ch Product Engineer @datalogic
Blurosso Technology is the Italian company founder of the revolutionary I-TV, a product created for the convergence market with the potential to change the consumer electronics market as we know it.
After years and countless resources devoted to developing I-TV technology, the product has been perfected and is ready to be introduced to the global market. Blurosso’s products offer impeccable sound, innovative design, functionality and versatility, surpassing all market players and offering a product that is the real convergence between Internet and TV. The technology used by Blurosso, is generations ahead of the competition and creates an entirely new market segment.
Given the product’s superior features, it will position itself in the “luxury” segment of the market. This product’s lucrative target market permits the company to earn an extremely high return on this introductory product.
I-TV is built using the highest quality materials such as aluminium, magnesium and carbon fibre. Blurosso also takes pride in its “Born in Italy” image, and accordingly has created a product that is the epitome of Italian design and quality. I-TV is sleek and elegant, turning a high-tech device into artwork. This has been achieved through the use of new and innovative textiles and countless hours of studying the esthetical aspects of the product.