Metal Design HOTI eshte kompani qe prodhon dyer oborri, gilindea te jashtem edhe te mbrendshem, rrethoja nga metali edhe me maqinat CNC.
Ne jemi te fokusuar ne cilesi dhe korrektesi kundrejt klienteve tane. E dijme qe ju na besoni diqka qe do te ndani ambientin cdo dite dhe per kete arsye cilesia dhe estetika e produkteve tona eshte prioritet . Ne e kuptojme qe besimi eshte i shenjet dhe si rrjedhoje do te mbajme premtimin tone. Kjo edhe eshte arsyeja e motos tone “Art ne ambientin tuaj”.
Metal Design HOTI is a company that makes doors for gates, inside and outside railings made from metal, and metal fences (also with CNC).
We are focused on quality and correctness towards our clients. We know that you trust us with something that you will share the environment with every day, and for this reason, the quality and aesthetics of our products are a priority. We understand that trust is sacred, and therefore we will keep our promise.