Makers of EnergyFlip - the realtime energy app - independent of your supplier!
Since 2010, Aurums' technology is enabling thousands of households to cut energy wastage. We are currently providing the only independent energy monitoring system that can be used with both analogue and smart meters. Besides gas and electricity, we also track heat networks, solar and batteries and display them real-time. We are the makers and enablers of EnergyFlip (formerly known as Huisbaasje), the energy service of Consumentenbond.
Aurum aims to be your trusted energy advisor. We host a controlled measurement chain that consists of three pillars: COLLECT - PROCESS - USE of energy data that is valuable to the end-user. Aurums' hardware is CE certified and is designed and manufactured in the Netherlands. Our goal is to make energy visible - to enable a circular energy future.
The EnergyFlip app enables you to permanently view the energy flows in your house - which leads to average savings of 13% on gas and 9% on electricity. The app displays data that is safely collected by our CE certified measurement plugs that you can easily install yourself. Users can review their consumption, baseload, identify unnecessary energy waste and see if the're on track with their energy goals.