At Lifeline Tasmania, we remain steadfastly committed to our mission, which is to lead, develop and deliver programs and services that equip individuals and communities to be suicide safe.
Together, our team of dedicated staff and more than 400 volunteers share a common vision: A Tasmania free of suicide.
We work throughout the entire state of Tasmania delivering suicide prevention and postvention programs, including:
24/7 telephone crisis support via our 13 11 14 crisis line
Support after suicide to anyone bereaved or impacted by suicide
Suicide Bereavement Groups
Social support programs to improve the lives of older people who are isolated and lonely
Community education and workplace training programs in suicide prevention, mental health and recognising domestic violence
Suicide related clinical supervision and critical incident debriefing.
Please note that we are unable to provide crisis support on LinkedIn, and in some cases we may remove posts where safety, risk and privacy are an issue.
Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 for crisis support 24/7 or text 0477 13 11 14 daily from 6:00 pm to midnight (AEST).
Dial 000 if life is in danger.