It’s pronounced FotOnE. It’s the Italian word for photon, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force. Acting in a similar way in terms of branding and communication, Fotone is more than a communications agency; it’s the elementary particle that can act as a force carrier for a product's or brand's values.
Because light can be both knowledge and the force behind creative messages, which can make a brand's communication substantial and effective. This is our basic principle, and the reason we chose a name we believe it fits our profile.
Vertical. Flexible. Adaptive.
This is how we maintain our presence in the advertising market since 1999. We know the difference between self-awareness and introduction. And the latter is essential for you. To know the professionals behind the images, illustrations, packaging designs, texts and media plans. The people who invest their inspiration, effort and working hours in front of every sort of screens, in order to do their best for every client. The reason is simple; their best communication profile improves ours. Because how you look, reflects who we are and what we do...