Balanggarra Aboriginal Corporation acts to:
(a) ascertain the wishes and aspirations of the Balanggarra People in relation to the management, use and control of the Land, encouraging the fulfilment of those aspirations and seeking their consent for the use of their Land;
(b) support and develop good health and well-being, education, employment, skills development, enterprise development, housing and community services for the Balanggarra People;
(c) assist in alleviating the significant unemployment levels of its members together with the resultant economic and social problems by assisting in the provision and development of training, employment, enterprise and investment opportunities;
(d) empower its members by promoting self- management and preservation of their culture;
(e) improve the living conditions of its members by assisting in the establishment and development of community living areas;
(f) receive any grant, settlement, compensation, dividend, payment or other consideration in respect to Land Use Agreements;
(g) manage and apply monies received from Land Use Agreements, for community purposes or investment and in accordance with these rules;
(h) participate with other groups and organisations in projects for their mutual benefit; and
(i) derive income from investment of surplus funds of the Corporation.