Frank Callahan Company Inc. is an Independant Industrial Distributor, started in 1958 and Incorportated in 1964 built on the Idea of Servicing our customers, with Knowledge, Inventory and courteous Service, we have proven to be a leader in our Industry with 5 locations in PA able to ship thoughout the world.
Industrial Distributor of Bearings, Belting and Material Handling and Related products
Inventoring Conveyor Belting, Conveyor Idlers, Roller Bearings, Oil Seals, V-Belting, Roller Chain, Bushings,
Ball bearings, Lubricants, Tapered Roller Bearing, Tensioners, Skirtboard Rubber, Motors, Gear Boxes, Sheave,
Sprockets, Conveyors systems, Conveyor Pulleys and so much more!
Large inventory on hand, all related products
Servicing all industries.
Also Known as: Callahan Bearings
Wholesale, Belt Fasteners, General Fasteners, Fasteners, Hardware, Disc Couplings, Couplings, Shafting, Iron & Steel Plates, Steel
HQ Location
MCADOO, PA 18237, US
Coal IndustryPower PlantsPhamecuticalManufacturingQuarry IndustryMiningDrillingPower TransmissioSteel PlantsConveyors