Sterling Appraisals Ltd. is a professional appraisal company specializing in comprehensive evaluations including, but not limited to, the Construction, Forestry, Mining, Oilfield and Transportation Industries. We are accredited with the Canadian Personal Property Appraisers Group (CPPAG) which is a Canadian made, national, personal property appraisal organization spanning from coast to coast.
Sterling appraisers are also senior appraisers with the American Society of Appraisers (ASA). The ASA is one of eight major appraisal societies that, in 1987, founded The Appraisal Foundation, a national non-profit organization created to establish uniform criteria for professional appraisers.
The Appraisal Foundation is the source of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) which is the recognized standard governing professional appraisals. Since 1989, USPAP has been recognized by the U.S. Congress as the source for the development and promulgation of appraisal standards and qualifications.