OUR MISSION = The reason WHY we get up to come to work...
We believe in a world where fashion design and garment making is no longer reserved for the elite.
A world where creative souls and artisans are no longer dependent of large fashion brands and can freely collaborate with each other.
A world where inhumane practices of mass industrialization are replaced with responsible craftsmanship.
A world where clothes have a soul… a story.
Every morning we get up and ask ourselves : "What can we build today, to create this world where creativity and self-expression are a basic right for every human being alive today and in the future?"
We believe that every day we will get one step closer to building that world. There are many steps to take and quite some roads to walk but our mission is our roadmap and we are determined to get there. We believe that one day, that world will exist and we won't stop until it does!
OUR VALUES = What unites us...
1) Embrace growth
Everyone and everything can grow. Growing is the only way to move forward. We allow ourselves to learn, improve and grow. We stimulate team members to surpass themselves and inspire our customers to grow beyond their expectations.
2) Own the Mission
Transformative things are created by transformative beings. All those working with, for, in and around Approche Couture agree to not blindly follow the mission… but to OWN the mission and be a missionary!
3) We are go getters!
We are fierce in fulfilling our goals and we get things done!
We are curious and adventurous in finding new ways to make it happen!
We are not scared to fail because this brings us closer to success.