MRS Estudos Ambientais Ltda began its activities on April 2, 1992. It is formed by a multidisciplinary team of technicians, including Masters and Doctors, with experience in different areas of human and environmental knowledge, in order to have sufficient technical ability to search and development of solutions for the development of all stages of Environmental Licensing, be it for small, medium and large enterprises of the most diverse business natures. With the expansion of the territory of operation and the diversification of services in the environmental area, the need to establish itself in the center of the country was identified and thus, in 1998 the company opened its central office in the Federal Capital. Currently, MRS Estudos Ambientais Ltda has become a national reference hub in the consulting and service provision market in the environmental area, operating in all States of the Federation and in South America. Its main clients include public companies and private companies of prominence nationally and internationally. In 2022, MRS Estudos Ambientais Ltda, completed 30 years of existence, and with them it held and still holds expertise in the preparation of the most diverse environmental studies, including the nuclear area and work on international projects, which subsidize the stages of Environmental Licensing, as well such as technical advisory services, strategic planning and management within these stages.
Environmental Services
HQ Location
SCN Quadra 4
Centro Empresarial Varig, SCN Qd. 04 BL B Sala 302, Entrada D, Asa Norte, Brasília – DF.
Brasília, Federal District 70714900, BR
Licenciamento AmbientalGerenciamento AmbientalEstudos AmbientaisProjetos AmbientaisSustentabilidadeGestão AmbientalMeio Ambienteprogramas ambientaismonitoramento ambientalComponente indígena