St John Bosco Multi Academy Company comprises of primary and secondary schools across the West Midlands.
At St John Bosco Catholic Academy we believe in offering quality Catholic education to all children we serve, using the development of individual talents to support the spiritual, moral and social development of our children. We want our family of academies to provide a platform for our children, young people and staff so they become exemplary citizens who strive to reach their potential and become what God intended us to be.
We commit to the following as the reasons St John Bosco Multi Academy Company exists.
• to make Christ known in our world, to work towards the building of the Kingdom of God in our local communities.
• to preserve the distinct identity and culture of Catholic Education within our schools and to ensure access for all to Catholic education from 3-19.
• to ensure that all schools work in a spirit of partnership with the common aim that all schools thrive and excel at providing access to the very best Catholic Education for all their pupils.