ZOOK is a global leader in the manufacturing of metal and graphite rupture disks and related over-pressure protection products. We are dedicated to becoming your single source for all your rupture disk needs.
ZOOK Manufactures:
- a full line of high-performance Metal Rupture Disks and Holders designed for fragmentation-resistance
- a complete line of Graphite Rupture Disks
- a complete line of flat, crowned, and insulated Vent Panels
- rupture disk Alarm Sensors compatible with ZOOK or any other manufacturers type of rupture disks
- a full line of "standard" and custom Extruder Barrel assemblies
- bi-directional, low-pressure rupture disks; capable of ruptures as low as 1" water column
- accessories: Gauges, Excess Flow Valves, and Pipe Guards to compliment your rupture disk purchase
ZOOK Provides:
- free inventory analysis allowing optimum economical stocking levels and buying opportunities
- on site rupture disk training programs
- on site application analysis for purchasing the optimum performing rupture disks for your application