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About Gary Kasper
Gary Kasper is Chief Financial Officer at StraightFlo™ Valves from Atlas Copco in houston, texas, united states. Previously worked at Rowan Companies as Financial Planning And Analysis, Manager. StraightFlo™ Valves from Atlas Copco is a Industrial Machinery Manufacturing company in 15045 Lee Rd
Houston, Texas 77032, US with 31 employees
Atlas Copco (formerly Zahroof Valves) manufactures and markets the innovative StraightFlo™ valve for reciprocating gas compressors. The StraightFlo™ valve has patents issued in over 30 countries worldwide.
StraightFlo™ valves are a drop-in replacement for conventional valves. They consist of standard modules or cartridges held stationary between a valve seat and carrier.
All wear and tear components are contained in the modules. Therefore, refurbishing the valve consists of simply changing out the modules. No machining is required.
An entire compressor station or plant can be covered using only 6 - 8 interchangeable modules. This includes compressor services from 300 rpm to 3600 rpm, -40°F to 550 °F, and all gases, from sweet gas to acid gas. The modular design makes servicing the valves simple and minimizes inventory — reducing downtime, labor, and operating costs.
Modules are designed so that gas flows straight through the valve without changing direction or incurring mixing losses. This makes StraightFlo™ valves much more efficient than conventional valves, reducing compressor power requirements and emissions. The design also gives the valve extreme tolerance to liquids and solids in the gas stream, making it highly reliable and minimizing downtime.
Applications include natural gas (production, gathering, transmission, storage, and CNG), CO2 (EOR and CCUS), petrochemicals, process gases, multi-phase, air, H2S, ammonia, technical gases, and more. The valve’s high tolerance to entrained liquids and solids makes it an exceptional choice for gas production, conventional gas, or shale gas.
Using StraightFlo™ valves in a compressor:
- May reduce power consumption up to 20%, thereby reducing emissions.
- Multiplies the service interval by a factor of 2 to 5, minimizing compressor downtime.
- Simplifies service by eliminating all need for machining, skilled labor, and special tools.
- Allows full service to be completed